Shopping on a budget – how to keep on trend with minimal spend

Shopping on a budget can be tough and it’s hard to get the balance right between never buying anything to weeping over your credit card statement after one too many impulse purchases. Thankfully, it’s easier than you think to stay fashionable while also staying within your budget.

Trust your clothing instincts

You know better than anyone what looks good on you and one of the biggest wastes of money is buying clothes which you just don’t wear and end up throwing out. Regardless of whether your friend says it looks amazing or it’s on sale, you need to feel good in what you’re wearing. When you shop, keep in mind what styles suit you and what sort of items you wear most often. Always make sure it fits well and don’t buy if you’re unsure – these are the items you usually end up getting rid of down the track. Buying right the first time can save you a lot of money in the long run.

Get some great basics

Before you head off to the shops, have a look at your existing clothes and make sure you have a good range of staple items. Having the right amount of staples means you can come up with a number of different outfits from the same selection of clothes and then just accessorise to mix it up. Staples include items like jeans, black pants, neutral cardigans, blazers, black flats and plain shirts. Once you have your basics in place, it’s not expensive to get accessories such as scarves and jewellery to add some interest.

Consider your investment pieces

Yes, this is definitely one that your mother would say but you need to ask yourself: how often will I wear this? If you’ve fallen in love with a beautiful but expensive dress which you could only really wear for very special occasion, be realistic with yourself about how often you’ll actually wear it. If you’re only going to wear it once or twice, it could end up being a very expensive purchase. However, if you’ve decided to invest in a $500 pair of timeless leather boots which you’ll wear every winter until they fall apart, it may be worth the splurge. Also, beware spending big on very fashionable items as chances are the piece will date before you have a chance to get your money’s worth.

Take some time to think about it

One of the best tricks to save money is to give yourself a day or two to think about it, especially if you’re unsure about a purchase. We’ve all had that feeling of looking at a purchase the next day and wondering what we were thinking. You can always go back to the store if you really want it and giving yourself some thinking time can save you from those expensive impulse purchases.

For all your retail needs, look no further than the convenience and great prices at myBoulevarde. myBoulevard is part of Top Group and we have centres at Dog Rock, Newman, Kambalda, Manjimup and Derby. For more information, contact Top Group today.